Morgan Reed

By  Jonah Comstock 02:41 pm March 9, 2016
Last week at HIMSS, ONC Chief Privacy Officer Lucia Savage talked about what HIPAA doesn't say. On Thursday, her predecessor, former ONC privacy chief Joy Pritts, talked about what HIPAA doesn't cover. Pritts, now a consultant, was joined by Morgan Reed, the executive director of ACT The App Association, in a talk about pitfalls providers can fall into when it comes to patient data privacy. "If I...
By  Jonah Comstock 09:42 am July 24, 2014
At a Tech in Policy event sponsored by Washington, D.C. newspaper The Hill, FTC Commissioner Julie Brill made it clear that the FTC is aware of recent concerns about health app data privacy and security and is looking into new ways to police the industry. "The law is, on some level, always going to lag behind technology," she said. "Technology is moving at lightning speed. Our job at the...