Connected fertility tracking device, spirometer and 7 other digital health crowdfunding campaigns

By Aditi Pai
10:18 am

There have been a number of digital health products that have launched on Indiegogo and Kickstarter in the last few weeks. These products, which all include a hardware element this time around, range from a mole -scanning smartphone peripheral, from a company that's been active in digital health for a couple years now, to a smartphone-connected spirometer. Notably, there are two women's health crowdfunding campaigns that are currently live -- one for fertility tracking, the other for menstruation tracking.

Read on for seven new digital health-focused crowdfunding campaigns:


First Derm, a startup that offers a dermatology question-and-answer app, launched an Indiegogo campaign for a smartphone peripheral device that takes clear pictures of moles.

The device, called Hud, which is Swedish for skin, sends these pictures to the companion app. From there, the user can share these images with a First Derm dermatologist for evaluation. The dermatologist will respond with an assessment of whether the mole requires immediate attention or if it's ok to wait until the user's next checkup.

In March of this year, First Derm announced that it had reached 100,000 downloads on both Apple and Android app stores. As of this writing, the company has raised $6,602 of its $25,000 goal with 43 days left in the campaign.


Prima-Temp is developing a wireless sensor that continuously and passively tracks a woman's core body temperature to help a woman understand when she is most fertile.

The device, inserted on the last day of a woman's period, takes the user's temperature every six minutes, detects changes that occur, and then sends an alert to a companion app to alert the woman of her fertile window, which, the company explains, is two days prior to ovulation. If the woman wants, the app will also notify her partner when the device identifies her fertile window. As of this writing, the company has raised $1,761 of its $35,000 goal with 41 days left in the campaign.

Priya, which launched at the Consumer Electronics Show this year, previously went by the name Bloom Ring.


Loon Lab is developing a smartphone-connected menstrual cup, called LoonCup, to help people better track menstruation.

The cup tracks a user's fluid volume and fluid color. It also analyzes the user's cycles and sends this data to a companion app. The companion app will then alert the user to when the cup is half full and then almost full. It also offers analysis of the user's health based on the color of the user's menstrual fluid.

Over time, the app will also alert the user when their period is around the corner. Backers can purchase the LoonCup for around $30 or $35 through the campaign, but the company expects the product to retail for around $50. As of this writing, the company has raised $143,055. It had a $50,000 goal. There are nine more days to go in the campaign.


Sparo Labs is developing Wing, an app and connected spirometer for measuring lung function and helping patients track and manage their asthma.

The device tracks data over time and sends it to a companion app, which allows users to log and understand factors that affect their lungs, like medications and triggers. Wing also helps users detect early warning signs for asthma attacks. The app allows users to manage multiple people on one account, set medication reminders, and send a summary report to their doctor.

As of 2013, cofounders Andrew Brimer and Abby Cohens’ alma mater Washington University reported that the startup’s seed round was entirely funded through competition winnings, which totaled $275,000 at the time. The startup was also part of a tech startup demo day at the White House in August.


dr Pocket has launched a Kickstarter for a connected pillbox and dispenser that helps users adhere to medication. The device connects to an app that can record medication information.

When it's the right time of day, medication is dispensed and the user is reminded via text and sound notifications. Extra modules can be added to the pillbox if there are more family members that need to take medications. Users can configure the app to require a confirmation after a family member has taken their medication.

PillBox also offers support for blind people. The pillbox has a tactile edge and Braille indicator that leads the person to the right container. On Kickstarter, users can purchase the device and three additional modules for $199, which dr Pocket said is $200 less than it will retail for. As of this writing, the campaign has raised $14,307 of its $55,000 goal with 15 days left in the campaign.


Ollinfit has developed an eponymous device to help a user track their workout. It consists of a set of three wearable sensors. The device was designed to act as a personal trainer, guiding a user through workouts with feedback on their form quality and weight lifted.

The three sensors are worn on different parts of the body depending on the exercise to track the user's full range of motion. This information is sent to a companion app that offers audio and vibration feedback, like "stand still, don't swing" or "keep your back still and straight". As of this writing, the campaign has raised $17,054 of its $45,617 goal with 29 days to go.


TruPosture has developed a smart shirt, equipped with sensors that trains users to improve their posture.

The sensors in the shirt, which fits snugly, run down the user's spine and will vibrate in the specific part of the back that users need to adjust in order to correct their posture. The user will feel one pulse if they're slouching too far forward, and two pulses if they're leaning too far back. The shirt can be worn while exercising, standing, and sitting.

TruPosture sends data via Bluetooth to a companion app, which then offers visualizations of the user's posture and shows how the user's posture has changed over time. The shirt is available through the campaign for $99 and is expected to retail for around $200. As of this writing, TruPosture has raised $26,064 of its $50,000 goal with 10 days left in the campaign.


Nora is a smartphone-connected device that tracks a user's snoring. The snore-tracking system includes an insert that users put under their pillow as well as a small device that users can put at their bedside, which detects snoring.

Throughout the night, a mini pump attached to the insert will inflate and deflate the insert to move the user's head when they snore. Nora's companion app will offer users insights into their snoring and sleep patterns. The app also providers users with overnight audio recordings and shows users the effects of Nora on their snoring. According to the campaign website, app development is scheduled to begin in December 2015. The system will retail for $299. As of this writing, Nora has raised $106,283, surpassing its $100,000 goal with 23 days left in the campaign.


Raymio is a smartphone-connected sun protection device that is equipped with a UV sensor. The app will take into account a user's skin pigmentation and offer them sun safety advice throughout the day based on this factor as well as UV index forecasts and data on which way the user is facing in relation to the sun. Raymio is waterproof so users can take it swimming. The device is expected to retail for $55. As of this writing, the campaign has raised $16,205 of its $38,000 goal with 14 days left.

One other campaign which launched in late September, called Smart Froc, was canceled less than a week ago. The offering is a smart highchair for babies that tracks weight. The baby's weight data is synced with a companion app and shows the child's progress over time. When it was canceled, the campaign had raised $3,071 of its $55,000 goal.
