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By  Arnol Rios 04:57 pm May 29, 2020
About the author: Arnol Rios is head of business development at Takeoff Point, a Sony company that provides the mSafety Platform in North America. As companies look to fast-track availability of their mobile health solutions amid COVID-19, they are facing a variety of hurdles. Despite these challenges, organizations are more motivated than ever to identify ways to make their mobile health...
By  Aline Noizet 09:51 am May 27, 2020
About the author: Aline Noizet is a connector by heart. Founder of Digital Health Connector, she is passionate about digital health, innovation and connecting the right people to have an impact on patients' lives and support healthcare professionals.  Telemedicine is not new, but people have been reluctant to use it for many reasons including technical barriers, security concerns, and a lack of...
By  Liz Ashall-Payne 04:28 am May 12, 2020
About the author: Liz Ashall-Payne founded ORCHA, the Organisation for the Review of Care and Health Application, which is focused on providing guidance to app developers, as well as helping the public and professionals to find and apply apps that could improve public, patient and organisational outcomes. Initially a Speech and Language Therapist, Ashall-Payne has almost 20 years NHS experience...
By  Marianna Imenokhoeva 01:19 am April 28, 2020
Many European countries are making their first steps on the way to restart economic and social activities, balancing their goals to minimise the impact on citizens' health and to keep capacities of healthcare systems under control. Despite the timing, detailed plans differ between countries depending on the degree of being affected and myriad other factors - though there is a general framework...
By  Charles Alessi 01:34 am April 20, 2020
As COVID-19 sweeps around the world, we are starting to see countries exit from lockdown, others introducing more stringent lockdown and others relying on the resilience of their health and care systems to allow them to make changes which are more discreet and focused on trying to avoid the economic and political effects of more stringent approaches.  The explosion of data points Health and care...
By  Kathy Lozano 11:58 am April 9, 2020
About the author: Kathy Lozano is VP of clinical operations at Carenet Health, a San Antonio, Texas-based telehealth nursing and virtual clinic provider. Telehealth has emerged as a critical tool in the fight against COVID-19, helping to ease the burden on traditional healthcare providers by encouraging patients with unrelated mild or moderate ailments to get care via phone or online. It has also...
By  Vasileios Nittas 07:33 am April 7, 2020
The unprecedented speed of SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) had the world quickly realise that the only way to avoid a frontal crash is a temporary emergency brake. As we slow down and stay home, the novel coronavirus sweeps across communities, destabilizes livelihoods and forces a new 'normal'. A new normal that requires distance and discipline. Yes, we are all in this together; and yes, it is each and...
By  Marianna Imenokhoeva 07:01 am March 31, 2020
At a time, when social distancing is among the major measures used to fight COVID-19 pandemic, telehealth is stepping-up as a key technology for safe and efficient communications. The World Health Organization mentioned telemedicine among essential services in “strengthening the Health Systems Response to COVID-19” policy. According to a new WHO policy, within the optimizing service delivery...
By  David Maman 02:23 pm February 24, 2020
David Maman is CEO and founder of, a company that developed a video-based vital signs monitoring application for smartphones using artificial intelligence technology. To date, more than 2,400 deaths and 78,000 cases worldwide have been confirmed as a result of the coronavirus. Officially named COVID-19, the mortality and incidence of the disease are still rising, and these numbers will...
By  Ian Chiang 11:21 am February 7, 2020
About the Author: Ian Chiang is a principal at Flare Capital Partners, a healthcare technology and services-focused VC firm. Prior to joining Flare, he was the SVP of product and innovation and a founding member of CareAllies, Cigna’s family of multi-payer provider services, population health management, value-based care enablement and home-based care businesses. Previously, he was a digital...