Drug Relief

Heart monitor
By  Jessica Hagen 12:54 pm September 27, 2022
Calif.-based DyAnsys, a medical device company specializing in the autonomous nervous system, announced Primary Relief, its percutaneous electrical nerve stimulator (PENS) system, received approval by the FDA to treat postoperative pain following cardiac surgery.   According to DyAnsys, the PENS system can be used for up to three days following cardiac surgery and, in a clinical trial, reduced...
By  Dave Muoio 02:29 pm June 14, 2018
DyAnsys, a medical device company specializing in the autonomic nervous system, announced this week that it has received FDA approval for a wearable auricular neurostimulation device designed to treat symptoms of opioid withdrawal. The device, called Drug Relief, is now available to providers in the US, and is distributed in the EU by the DyAnsys’ European branch. "This device offers hope to...