emerging markets

By  Brian Dolan 04:40 am December 17, 2013
At the mHealth Summit outside of Washington, D.C. last week, Mike Shilling, director of business development at Exco InTouch, shared three examples of mobile-enabled clinical trials that recently finished up or are still underway. The trials each leveraged mobiles in different ways and helped highlight a few of the strategies for deploying them in support of a trial as well as the various...
By  Brian Dolan 05:29 am September 3, 2013
Baltimore, Maryland-based mobile health company WellDoc announced a new board of directors this week to help the company further commercialize its recently launched BlueStar product. The new board members include two just retired PricewaterhouseCoopers executives and a Washington insider. Up until now WellDoc's board has largely consisted of the company's own management team, but the new board...
By  Brian Dolan 06:34 am December 15, 2009
Earlier this month at the Mobile Healthcare Industry Summit, Vodafone Group CEO Vittoro Colao announced that the carrier was working with pharmaceutical company Novartis on a program called SMS For Life in Tanzania. Vodafone, Novartis and their partner IBM announced the program officially today. As Colao noted, the program covers some 135 villages (more than 1 million people) in Tanzania after...
By  Brian Dolan 12:38 pm May 18, 2009
Frontline:SMS founder Josh Nesbit emailed in to let us know he launched an inspired mHealth intiative today: HopePhones. The program encourages everyone to recycle their old mobile phones, which are then sold to raise money to send phones to health workers in developing markets likes Malawi. According to the HopePhones site, "When your old phone is received by the recycling center, it is given a...
By  Brian Dolan 05:34 am April 21, 2009
A couple of computer engineers at Washington University have developed a medical imaging device by combining a USB-based ultrasound probe with a Windows Mobile smartphone. Microsoft awarded William D. Richard, Ph.D., WUSTL associate professor of computer science and engineering, and David Zar, research associate in computer science and engineering, a $100,000 grant in 2008 to bring the concept to...
By  Brian Dolan 05:42 am April 20, 2009
Photo Credit: Datadyne.org Last week Vital Wave Consulting noted that a number of large technology vendors have made investments in mobile health initiatives for developed markets. Vital Wave pointed out that the timing was probably meant to coincide with the U.S. government's plan to invest $20 billion into modernizing healthcare. GE and Intel recently announced a joint $250 million investment...
By  Brian Dolan 04:02 pm April 8, 2009
Technology that converts a mobile phone into a compact, high-resolution, handheld microscope; A lensfree imaging platform on a mobile phone that uses digital holograms of bacteria or cells to monitor for disease; a system of wireless devices that tracks and locates survivors trapped by fires and structural collapse. These three technologies have been selected from among more than 100 applicants...
By  Brian Dolan 05:23 am March 3, 2009
Mobile Marketing Blog re-printed highlights from U.N-Vodafone Foundation Technology Partnership's head Claire Thwaites' recent column in Mobile Word Focus Magazine. "Mobile technology is becoming the most prevalent means of storing and transmitting data in order to improve the health of millions of people," she wrote. Revisit our interview with Thwaites' here. The New York Times has a great piece...
By  Brian Dolan 08:29 am February 26, 2009
That was quick. I just get finished ranting about how the healthcare industry needs to appreciate (and use) the current doctor-centric iPhone applications already available in the AppStore, and now I discover this: A great video interview just published over at FastCompany.tv in which Stanford University Doctor Andrew Newman explains how and why he uses Epocrates' iPhone application in his...
By  Brian Dolan 10:10 am February 24, 2009
The MobilizeMRS team, which was one of the finalists in the Netsquared/USAID mobiles for development challenge last year, is now leveraging the FrontlineSMS platform to "connect patients and health workers that are remote and isolated from health centers" in developing markets. The team has big plans to bring their text message-powered solution to some 25 pilots by next summer. The announcement...