Family manager AboutOne nets $1.8M for new apps

By Aditi Pai
01:02 pm

AboutOnePennsylvania-based online family management system AboutOne raised $1.8 million led by Golden Seeds with additional funding from health incubator Novotorium, and current investors iPipeline's Tim Wallace, Rees Capital, and Ben Franklin SEP, Joanne Lang told MobiHealthNews.

The company plans to use the money to finish the development of its mobile app set to launch at CES "with some amazing household brand names everyone will recognize," CEO and Founder Joanne Lang said.

AboutOne already has a series of mobile apps on iOS and Android as well as for Windows 8 phones and laptops. The apps feature categories for entering memories, address information, health histories, education summaries for college applications and home inventories for insurance claims. Health specific information that users can store includes health records, prescription reminders, cancer patient support software, allergy management and care coordination. Because of all the sensitive information, all data is protected by VeriSign, McAfee, and TRUSTe.

Although the app allows families to enter much more than just health information, Lang said the company's main focus is health.

"Around 75 percent [of the user base] uses [the health features] now and our goal is to increase with the new user apps," Land said in an email. "...We took a very different approach to everyone else working backwards from a consumers personalized experience."

Earlier this year, the company finished its cloud platform and will open the API on which companies can create their own apps. The white label app will have all the features that AboutOne adds to its apps, but will also connect employees to a personal vault on which to communicate about benefits. Lang said many companies have expressed interest in using the platform and will be revealed at the new apps' launch at CES.

Golden Seeds, a firm that seeks to empower women entrepreneurs through investment, has previously invested in sleep focused wearable Lark.
