HIMSS TV features programming from major HIMSS events and many of the industry's thought leaders. See the latest coverage at HIMSS.tv.


Romanian Health Minister Sorina Pintea
By  HIMSS TV 12:48 pm December 4, 2018
By  HIMSS TV 12:30 pm December 4, 2018
Dr. Shafi Ahmed, CMO, Medical Realities
By  HIMSS TV 05:34 pm December 3, 2018
By  HIMSS TV 06:16 pm November 30, 2018
Focus on Blockchain In December, we take a deep dive into the disruption blockchain promises and offer a reality check with a look at what's really happening.
Abel Kho, co-founder of Health Data Link
By  HIMSS TV 06:10 pm November 30, 2018
Focus on Blockchain In December, we take a deep dive into the disruption blockchain promises and offer a reality check with a look at what's really happening.
Dr. Shafi Ahmed, CMO, Medical Realities
By  HIMSS TV 02:25 pm November 28, 2018
Hal Wolf, HIMSS President and CEO
By  HIMSS TV 02:36 pm November 27, 2018