Georgia Tech

By  Laura Lovett 02:36 pm March 21, 2019
Augmented reality combined with robotics could enable people with physical disabilities to be more independent, according to a study recently published in PLOS ONE.  Researchers from Georgia Tech have developed a new augmented reality system that lets people with severe motor disabilities control a human-sized robot to help with self care through a mouse or small assitive device.  “Our results...
By  Laura Lovett 05:53 pm February 12, 2019
It’s no secret robots have caught the hearts and minds of children for decades — whether in sci-fi novellas or on the silver screen. Now, robots are also coming to pediatrics care.  “If you look at pediatrics and robotics systems, most children are attracted to robotics. So what does this mean? I can bring in a robotic device and I don’t have to convince you. I can bring it in and say, ‘Hey, this...
By  Jonah Comstock 09:29 am July 14, 2015
President Obama addresses the White House Conference on Aging. Yesterday, celebrating 50 years of Medicare and 80 years of Social Security, the White House hosted its Conference on Aging. At a panel during the summit, experts discussed how to make technology accessible to seniors. A study on that same topic was released by AARP today. "We choose to do big things here in America," President...
By  Jonah Comstock 08:39 am April 6, 2015
Misfit Flash, one of the devices that will be used in the study. AARP has launched a new research initiative, called Project Catalyst, where the organization will work with partners including Pfizer, UnitedHealthcare, and Georgia Tech to promote an increased focus on users over 50 in digital health research and development. The first project of the new initiative, focused on sleep and activity...
By  Jonah Comstock 05:48 am November 21, 2014
Diagnosing autism remotely, from videos taken with a parent’s smartphone, was found to be 87 percent as accurate as in-person diagnosis in a small preliminary study funded by an NIH grant. The NODA system (Naturalistic Observation Diagnosis Assessment) is an app developed by Boise, Idaho-based Behavior Imaging Solutions in partnership with Georgia Tech and Southwest Autism Research and Resource...