
By  Jonah Comstock 03:19 pm October 4, 2016
Dig another grave in the fitness tracker cemetery, next to the Bodymedia Core, the Nike FuelBand, and the Basis Band, because it looks like the Microsoft Band is dead. ZDnet, which broke the news last month that Microsoft had disbanded the Band team and had no plans for a Band 3, reported yesterday that the company has removed the device from its online store, taken down the Band SDK, and has no...
By  Jonah Comstock 03:55 pm September 14, 2016
Pulse, the Boston-based digital health hub run by startup accelerator MassChallenge, has finally launched, opening up applications that will close October 20th.  The accelerator is open to digital healthcare startups from anywhere in the world with less than $5 million in funding and less than $5 million in revenue. Those selected will have free office space in Boston, matchmaking with mentors...
By  Tom Sullivan 03:18 pm September 14, 2016
Despite so many apps and devices available today, and their promise to help consumers better manager their own health, patient engagement is still both art and science.   "Patient engagement is whatever the patient thinks it is," said Frederick Muench, director of digital health intervention in the Department of Psychiatry at Northwell Health. "If we start at that point, work backward by figuring...
By  Jonah Comstock 04:27 pm August 17, 2016
IBM Watson Health announced that its Watson for Oncology program, trained at Memorial Sloan Kettering Hospital, will be rolled out to 21 hospitals throughout China. The initial 21-hospital introduction is the beginning of a multi-year partnership through which IBM's Chinese partner Hangzhou CognitiveCare will introduce Watson for Oncology to hospitals across China. More. CareMore Health System ...
By  Aditi Pai 05:19 pm February 16, 2016
Microsoft has announced a partnership Novartis that began a few years ago to create a system, called Assess MS, that better evaluates how patients perform on multiple sclerosis (MS) tests. The current MS tests require patients to perform movements, like touching their nose or sitting with their arms outstretched. Providers watch the patients and rate their movements on a scale, but ratings that...
By  Brian Dolan 02:31 pm December 10, 2015
It was only five years ago that tablet devices quickly made their way into the hands of clinicians. Seemingly overnight the tablet form factor became a dominant device, used by a majority of physicians in the US, often in addition to their existing PCs and laptops. Consumer-grade tablets broke into clinical settings as a part of the massive BYOD trend sweeping IT departments at the time. They...
By  Aditi Pai 11:30 am November 3, 2015
San Diego, California-based Reflexion Health has received FDA 510(k) clearance for its digital physical therapy tool, called Vera, which uses Microsoft Kinect motion-tracking to help patients with musculoskeletal rehabilitation. “We are thrilled to be one of a growing number of digital medicine companies to receive FDA clearance to use innovative tools and methods, such as Vera, to deliver care...
By  Brian Dolan 11:30 am July 7, 2015
HHS appoints Susannah Fox as CTO: Just two weeks after our last hiring roundup, the Department of Health and Human Services announced that it had appointed longtime patient advocate and Pew Research alum Susannah Fox as its new CTO. Fox has also been an early and important voice in the emerging mobile and digital health. Her team's work at Pew helped ground the mobile health discussion with...
By  Aditi Pai 03:46 am June 13, 2015
Of wearable fitness device makers, Fitbit spent the most on advertising its devices last year, investing $21.6 million, according to a recent report from Kantar Media. Garmin and Samsung were both not far behind Fitbit in advertising spend. Garmin spent $18.7 million and Samsung spent $11.6 million. After the top three spenders there's a significant drop in amount spent: Nike spent $3.2 million,...
By  Jonah Comstock 10:15 am April 16, 2015
While most clinicians carry one or more mobile devices for a variety of use cases, it's still the case that no single screen is as popular as the desktop computer for physicians, according to a new survey released by Microsoft. The online survey of 402 U.S. physicians was conducted by YouGov. Fifty percent of physicians used smartphones, 49 percent used laptop computers, and 23 percent used...