mobile health

By  Jonah Comstock 08:35 am November 7, 2017
Existing digital health products, if deployed comprehensively across the country, could save the US $7 billion a year in healthcare spending, according to a new report from IQVIA, which until yesterday was known as Quintiles/IMS Health. “For the first time we’ve sought to create a model that looks across five different patient population groups where there’s been a proven reduction in acute care...
By  Dave Muoio 02:49 pm November 6, 2017
With more and more mobile health apps releasing each year and slower growth in the number of users downloading, financial success is becoming less likely for developers without substantial backing, data from a recent market research report suggests. According to the mHealth Economics 2017 study — an annual Research2Guidance survey which this summer polled 2,400 mobile health stakeholders — there...
By  Dave Muoio 03:49 pm October 10, 2017
Update: This article has been updated to clarify MedHelp's affiliation with Merck and recent announcement of acquisition by Vitals. To expedite its push into mobile health, Yardley, Pennsylvania-based StayWell announced today that it has acquired the mobile health portion of Silicon Valley-based MedHelp, which includes several consumer-facing mobile health apps. The terms of the deal were not...
By  Dave Muoio 11:33 am September 26, 2017
While telemedicine has been touted as a potential care delivery strategy in remote and low-resource settings, successfully sustaining these services has proved difficult. The key to long-term deployment, recent research suggests, could lie in key partnerships between public health systems and entrepreneurial providers of telemedicine. “Telemedicine is very helpful in extending the reach of...
By  Dave Muoio 02:10 pm September 19, 2017
Healthcare is becoming more decentralized every day thanks to new technologies and a growing emphasis on consumer-focused services, according to presentations at the Patient Engagement and Experience Summit in Boston today. But even as telehealth, wearables, virtual reality, and other technologies disrupt familiar models of health care delivery, a greater shift in culture and policy will be...
By  Dave Muoio 04:39 pm September 15, 2017
Update: This story has been updated to include additional quotes from the study's researchers. Heart disease patients visiting mobile health clinics outfitted with pocket-sized, smartphone-connected ECGs and other point-of-care medical devices are more quickly referred for therapy, and less frequently experience hospitalization or death. According to a recent study, published in the Journal of...
By  Jonah Comstock 02:53 pm September 15, 2017
One of the biggest promises of mobile health apps and wearables is the sheer amount of data they collect. As that dataset grows, a number of different stakeholders are taking an interest in it, among them patients themselves, doctors, and clinical researchers. The latter is the focus of a new report out today from the Duke-Margolis Center for Health Policy. “Under a collaborative agreement with...
By  Jonah Comstock 03:45 pm March 13, 2017
With previous rumored Trump picks to lead the FDA, we’ve had to rely on speculation to gauge their approach to mobile and digital health. Not so with former FDA deputy commissioner Dr. Scott Gottlieb, Trump’s final pick as of Friday.  Gottlieb, who will still have to be confirmed by the Senate, has made his feelings about mobile health regulation very clear. In 2014, he co-authored a piece for...
By  MobiHealthNews 05:20 pm September 30, 2016
This week in Santa Clara marked the 10th anniversary for Health 2.0, a health tech conference held every year in Silicon Valley to explore the progress being made in the digital health space and the challenges that remain. MobiHealthNews was onsite all four days of the conference and below we’ve rounded up our coverage of the event, plus quite a few presentations and bits of news that didn’t make...
By  Jonah Comstock 02:46 pm August 22, 2016
Asthma UK, a British nonprofit dedicated to fighting asthma, has released a report highlighting the role connected health has to play in treating asthma and reducing the number of preventable deaths from the disease.  "At Asthma UK we are determined to stop asthma attacks." Asthma UK CEO Kay Boycott writes in the introduction to the report. "Outcomes have plateaued in recent years and this must...