npj Digital Medicine

A person using a smartwatch while exercising.
By  Emily Olsen 10:57 am December 30, 2022
Sociodemographic and health-related factors are associated with long-term use of digital health devices, according to a study published in npj Digital Medicine. Researchers followed a cohort within the long-running and ongoing Framingham Heart Study that used three digital components: a smartphone app, a blood pressure cuff and a smartwatch.  Participants received app-based surveys at enrollment...
Person using a smartphone
By  Jessica Hagen 01:38 pm September 20, 2022
Both digital and face-to-face cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) "may be suitable interventions for patients with more severe forms of depression," according to a review published in npj Digital Medicine. "Overall, our results indicate that after controlling for a number of potential confounders, face-to-face and digital CBT might be comparable in terms of clinical effectiveness for treating...
A woman rubbing her sore throat holding a smartphone.
By  Emily Olsen 02:41 pm August 29, 2022
The accuracy of digital symptom checkers for both triage and diagnosis is generally low, which could pose a risk to patient safety, according to a review of studies published in npj Digital Medicine.  Researchers compiled 10 studies that evaluated a total of 48 online symptom checkers. Half of the studies used real patients, while the other half studied simulated cases. The review found primacy...
A person reclines on a bed and examines a Fitbit watch screen
By  Mallory Hackett 12:16 pm December 1, 2020
Consumer wearable devices can be key tools in predicting the onset of illnesses like COVID-19 by using health metrics like breathing rate, resting heart rate and heart rate variability (HRV), according to findings published in npj Digital Medicine from Fitbit. The paper outlines predictors for the severity of illness, symptom prevalence, illness duration among male and female participants and...
By  Dave Muoio 03:11 pm April 7, 2020
Connected digital products have steadily become more prominent among clinical research efforts since the start of the millennium, according to new data published Friday in NPJ Digital Medicine. In reviewing every trial registered with between the years 2000 and 2017, a group of Harvard researchers found the use of these tools increasing with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR...
By  Dave Muoio 11:32 am May 8, 2019
A randomized controlled trial recently published in npj Digital Medicine found Kaia Health’s app-based exercise therapy for lower back pain (LBP) to be an effective treatment for multidisciplinary patients, and could be more effective than a standard strategy of individual physiotherapy sessions paired with online education. TOPLINE DATA In the investigation — which was sponsored by Kaia Health...
By  Dave Muoio 01:36 pm July 16, 2018
A new study published in npj Digital Medicine suggests that walking data collected from hip-worn accelerometers is viable for assessing the risk of falls in older women. While this specific investigation employed a medical-grade triaxial accelerometer (the ActiGraph GT3X+), the researchers noted in their writeup that the success of these sensors bode well for population-level analyses of fall...
By  Heather Mack 03:17 pm December 21, 2016
Nature Research has teamed up with Scripps Translational Science Institute to launch a new international journal that will focus on digital health, the organizations announced this week. The journal, npj Digital Medicine, is under the Nature Partner Journal series and will publish original papers and review articles that aim to guide innovation in health tied to digital and mobile technologies...