patient data

Research2Guidance, patient data, clinical trials, apps
By  Tammy Lovell 05:39 am October 18, 2021
A new report from Research2Guidance discusses the rise in digital decentralised clinical trial (DDCT) technologies since the COVID-19 pandemic. Digital solutions for decentralised clinical trials allow some or all clinical trial activities to be conducted virtually rather than in person. This includes technology such as wearables to continuously collect patient data, telemedicine to deliver...
 home-monitoring devices, mobile technology
By  Ahmed El Sherif 01:47 am October 17, 2020
A new study exploring the effectiveness of virtual health follow-ups using home-monitoring devices and mobile technology is currently being conducted by the Dubai Diabetes Centre (DDC) with the support of the Dubai Health Authority (DHA) in the United Arab Emirates. Running until the end of December, the study is being carried out in collaboration with Cognitive Healthcare International (CHI), a...
By  Sara Mageit 06:30 am July 7, 2020
UK-based Elucid Digital Health has launched a dashboard function that is automatically created by the dispensing of the pill or tablet through the intelligent Pill - Connect cap which fits on a standard pill bottle. The patient receives a reminder on their phone when the pill or pills should be taken and then touches the dispense button on the screen. The pill is ejected from the bottle and a...
By  Tammy Lovell 06:27 am October 3, 2019
A scheme for London Ambulance Service (LAS) medics to view patient data while on the move via iPads is now being rolled out across the capital. Speaking at the Healthcare Excellence Through Technology (HETT) event yesterday, LAS chief information officer Ross Fullerton said that 4,500 staff across 70 ambulance stations were being trained to use the mobile summary care record system (Mobile SCRa...
By  Tammy Lovell 03:02 am April 24, 2019
London Ambulance Service is enabling its medics to securely view patient medical data on the move via iPads. A 16-week pilot being run by NHS Digital, launched the mobile summary care record system (Mobile SCRa) to around 60 ambulance service staff in Camden last week. Medics will be able to use the NHS Identity authentication system to remotely access summary care records (SCRs), electronic...
By  Tammy Lovell 10:17 am March 5, 2019
Under reforms to the GP contract published in January, all patients will have the right to “digital-first” primary care, including web and video consultations by April 2021. But Dr Helen Atherton, who leads a digital health research group at Warwick Medical School, said the plans meant surgeries had to offer virtual consultations “even where they have decided this can’t be safely done with the...
By  Dave Muoio 02:27 pm October 18, 2018
Xcertia, a standards and guidelines body for mobile apps, today announced the draft release of  its updated Privacy and Security Guidelines, a document consisting of practical and descriptive advice for health app designers. The group has opened the draft up for comment from stakeholders and industry members for the next 45 days, Chuck Parker, managing director at Xcertia, said here at the...
By  Laura Lovett 03:29 pm October 17, 2018
Both the clinician and the patient hold an important piece to the care puzzle, according to Kristina Sheridan, head of the enterprise strategy and transformation department at the nonprofit MITRE Corporation.  The physician has expertise in treating illness, whereas the patient is the authority on living with the condition, she explained at the Society for Participatory Medicine in Boston this...
By  Dave Muoio 03:12 pm August 17, 2018
Deborah Kilpatrick has spent some time on the cutting edge of the healthcare industry — her decade-spanning career has included a director position at Guidant Corporation’s vascular intervention accelerator (now part of Boston Scientific) and the chief commercial officer role at genomic diagnostic company CardioDx. Now serving as the CEO of Evidation Health, a company investigating how everyday...
By  Dave Muoio 10:16 am April 11, 2018
A recent survey of 300 primary care physicians who use EHRs found that half of the respondents wanted better access to patient data. The survey, which was commissioned by electronic prescribing and health information company SureScripts and administered online by ORC International during October of last year, also investigated physicians’ opinions on the availability of medication adherence and...