
By  Brian Dolan 11:07 am February 6, 2009
During the final presentations at an mHealth Workshop at TEPR this week, Barry Greene, President & CEO, & Med Practice Informatics outlined the return on investment for deploying a simple text message-based communications tool in a hypothetical one doctor practice. Greene showed significant costs saving and revenue boosting opportunities can be leveraged by using text messages...
By  Brian Dolan 10:48 am February 6, 2009
As of Tuesday Google Health was finally viewable from the mobile phone--now the company is really getting its mobile act together: The Continua Health Alliance, an industry group promoting compatibility between medical devices and online health systems, has teamed up with IBM to develop a set of interface tools for Google Health that will allow wirelessly-enabled medical devices like glucose...
By  Brian Dolan 07:08 am February 4, 2009
WellDoc's Vice President of Healthcare Integration Malinda Peeples outlined the company's ongoing pilot of a mobile phone-based diabetes monitoring system, that is partially funded by LifeScan and Sprint. Peeples noted the opportunities for mHealth in endocrinology and diabetes in particular by pointing to the 21 million Americans currently living with diabetes, the 54 million "pre-diabetic"...
By  Brian Dolan 07:27 pm February 3, 2009
During the second morning session of the mHealth track at TEPR today, Kaiser Permanente's Manager of Solution Consulting Nardo Manaloto outlined best practices for using text messages to send appointment reminders to patients. Manaloto recently completed a successful trial of such reminders at one of Kaiser's clinics. KP teamed up with text messaging application service provider Mobilestorm to...
By  Brian Dolan 07:15 pm February 3, 2009
During a discussion of personal health records (PHRs) at TEPR+ today, James Mault, MD, director of new products and business development for Microsoft's Health Solutions Group stated numerous times that HealthVault and Google Health are not competitors--both services are fighting non-consumption of personal health records. While the quip is perhaps true given that PHR adoption rates are still in...
By  Brian Dolan 10:55 am January 31, 2009
Last month at the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas, NEC Philips debuted a DECT watch phone intended for use in healthcare and hospitality sectors. This week mobihealthnews caught up with NEC Philips Unified Solutions Manager of Marketing Communications Robert van Amerongen and the company's Business Manager for Mobility Solutions Bert van Koelen to discuss the device's CES launch,...