Credit: VUNO
Taiwan clears VUNO's AI fundus analysis tool
South Korean firm VUNO has gained the approval of Taiwan's Food and Drug Administration to market its AI fundus analysis software.
VUNO Med-Fundus AI analyses images of the fundus to quickly detect locations of lesions indicative of retinal diseases, including diabetic retinopathy, macular disease and glaucoma.
This latest certification follows Taiwan FDA's clearance for its other AI products, VUNO-Med Chest X-ray and VUNO-Med Bone Age. Just two months ago, VUNO obtained Singapore's clearance for VUNO Med-Fundus AI.
Study validates AIRS Medical's AI solution for denoising 3D MR images
AIRS Medical, a medical AI startup from South Korea, has recently proved in a study the capability of its AI-powered MRI reconstruction solution, SwiftMR, to denoise and greatly improve the quality of 3D MR images.
Based on its findings, a deep neural network-based noise reduction and image quality improvement tool outperformed the conventional magnetisation-prepared rapid gradient-echo (MP-RAGE) sequence in improving MR image quality.
"We are very pleased that we have proved SwiftMR contributes to not only reducing time but also [helping] make images great, eventually [helping] radiologists read images with confidence," said AIRS Medical CEO Dr Hyeseong Lee.
Qure.ai packages solutions using NVIDIA's MONAI kit
Indian health technology startup Qure.ai is one of the early adopters of NVIDIA's latest open-source framework for deploying AI medical imaging applications.
The MONAI Application Packages (MAP) simplify the process of deploying an AI model in an existing healthcare ecosystem.
Qure.ai is now packaging its AI solutions for deployment using MAPs, accelerating its clinical impact, according to NVIDIA.
UK-based Cambridge Cognition brings brain health solutions to China
London-listed Cambridge Cognition, a provider of cognitive assessment test solutions, has entered into a new partnership to bring its digital health offerings to China.
The company recently signed a 10-year exclusive licensing deal and strategic partnership with Luca Healthcare, a local developer of digital health assessment tools.
Luca will be making Cambridge Cognition's CANTAB suite of digital brain health tests available in China via its LucaPlex platform.
"China has over 265 million people aged 60 years and above, of which 40 million people have mild cognitive impairment and 15 million people with a form of dementia. With neurodegenerative diseases, early diagnosis is the key to managing disease progression. We will leverage Cambridge Cognition's research, scientific know-how, and digital technology to make available advanced cognitive assessment tools for the clinical trials market and the healthcare market in China," said Luca CEO Echo Chen.